Well the new season is here and as the saying goes “spring has sprung”, but many Swakopmunders might disagree as we are still experiencing icy cold winds from the south, while inland the weather is warming up nicely.

Important matters are being addressed with safety and security taking centre stage. The SRA highlighted the issue with the Swakopmund Mayor and various meetings with all stakeholders have taken place to create a safer environment for the community. Our Councilor Matthias Henrichsen has taken charge and is chairing meetings with all safety and security organizations to plan a way forward for the benefit of all. This active collaboration between all party’s involves planning and decisive decision making to tackle all sorts of challenges that might arise. The Safety and Security Meeting is held monthly and already an improvement in communication between stakeholders indicates productive progress and increased service delivery. The public information process is ongoing.
At the Swakopmund Council meeting on 28th September the new suburb names were approved namely, Atlantis, Desert Park, DRC Seaside, Matutura, DRC Swakopmund, Tulinawa, Oletweni, Twapandula, Hage Geingob Square, Riverside, Dunes, Meduletu. Signage demarcating the suburbs will soon be erected.

Due to the efforts of our Councillors a large amount of work is now being undertaken in the sewer upgrade programme. Currently a new sewer line is being constructed in Nelson Mandela Avenue from the Taxi Rank down to the main pump station at the Old Sewerage works. This new sewer serves as a relieving sewer for pump station 3 close to Maritim Flats in Strand Street. This pumpstation was overloaded and sewerage constantly overflowed there spilling onto Strand Street. Previously parts of Mondesa sewerage flowed down the old sewer line to pump station 3 and this has now been eliminated. Hopefully this will bring an end to the spillages in Strand Street.

Currently a new sewer line is being constructed in Nelson Mandela Avenue from the Taxi Rank down to the main pump station at the Old Sewerage work.
The company SLR Consulting announced that the Environmental Impact Study for the desalination plants is available to be viewed on their website until 23 October 2023.
Their website is www.slrconsulting.com/en/public/documents. The plant will be constructed next to the existing Orano Plant.

The SRA is busy compiling information together with photos of all the dilapidated buildings belonging to the Government. This information will be forwarded to the Governor of the Erongo Region and it is hoped that remedial work can be undertaken as Swakopmund is world renowned for its historical buildings. The SRA is in the process requesting the current budget from the Erongo Regional Council to establish what happens to the Swakopmund 5% contribution and how is it being allocated.

The condition of the Swakopmund Jetty is being addressed at Council level to prioritize the upkeep and maintenance of this iconic landmark. Concerns have been raised by the public with reference to public safety and this matter has now been taken up by our Councilors so that all necessary steps are put in place to safeguard the security of tourists and the public at large.

The SRA contacted Namibian Breweries in order to obtain information about the way forward with this run-down property in the middle of town. The SRA is waiting for a further response from Namibian Breweries.
There have been issues raised regarding the height of traffic signpost signage erected on the sidewalks and cycle lanes in Swakopmund. Some injuries have been caused by people walking or cycling under signage, one cyclist ending up in hospital for a length of time. The international standard requires that all signage should be at a minimum of 7 feet or 2.13m from ground level to the underside of the sign. On investigation around the town, it was found that most signage on Swakopmund sidewalks and cycle lanes are not placed at the correct international height, some as low as 1,3m and 1,6m.
The oil fields found by the French Company Total Energy off Namibia’s coast, seem to be the biggest found to date by the company. A total of 20 billion barrels of oil are expected to be harvestable.
The Festive season is approaching fast. Maintenance in the CBD including roadworks and painting of roads will be executed in the next months. The Municipality is expecting once again a large number of Visitors. The relevant departments are focusing on minimizing the chances of unwanted interruptions. If there are any inquiries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact the office of the CEO.
Another meeting with swimmers and boat owners regarding the utilisation of the Mole will be called before the festive season. More information and approved plans are needed to share more information and way forward.
Silver Lining supports needy preschools and individuals in Swakopmund.
“From little things, big things grow.”
That is a line from a popular Australian song. Three years ago, soon after COVID struck, Silver Lining received its first-ever monetary donation from an Australian donor. It took a while, but donations have since been received from many very generous local and overseas donors. Two corporate donors have also contributed – one local and the other Australian. Silver Lining currently supports three-day care/pre-schools as well as many individual families. The day care/pre-school donations focus on recycled materials for craft work, re-used paper that is printed on one side for writing activities and artwork, tables, chairs, mattresses, pre-school teaching aids, paint, glue, crayons and pencils as well as 2nd hand toys and books. From August 2022 to August 2023, 142 individual families have been supported, some receiving up to 4 donations during the year. These include school stationery and school uniform items, “Meal in a Jar” jars, hand- knitted items such as jerseys and “beanies”, food parcels, as well as second hand clothing, shoes, bed linen, curtains, and household items.

As always please keep safe and look after each other.
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